Basics of molecular diagnostics
Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics : Overview of
Molecular Diagnostics; History of Molecular
Diagnostics; Molecular Diagnostics in Post
Genomic Era; Areas used in Molecular Diagnostics;
Future Prospects – Commercialising Molecular
Diagnostics, Personalized Medicine,
Characterisation and analysis of Nucleic – Acids
and Proteins :
Extraction, Isolation and Detection of DNA, RNA
and Proteins; Restriction Endonucleases and
Restriction Enzyme Mapping.
Hybridisation Techniques :
Southern, Northern, Western and FISH; Markers,
Probes and its Clinical Applications.
Nucleic acid amplification methods
Target amplification :
PCR – General Principle; Components of a Typical
PCR Reaction; Experimental Design; Primer
Designing; Control of PCR Contamination and
Mispriming; PCR Product Clean-up and Detection.
PCR Types :
Reverse Transcriptase and Real Time PCR.
Probe amplification :
Ligase Chain Reaction
Molecular biology based diagnostics
DNA Polymorphism and Identification: RFLP and
Parentage Testing;
RFLP and Sickle-Cell Anaemia. Genetic Counseling and Molecular Diagnosis
Genetic Testing
– Need and Uses; genetic
Case Studies
– Diagnostic Testing for Cystic Fibrosis; Fragile
X Diagnostic and Carrier Testing.
Ethical, Social and Legal Issues to Molecular
–Genetic Testing